Light Side of Fall
Another September,
leaves sneaking in gold,
on a tree in the meadow,
the dew is wet and cold.
There still is warm sunshine,
and work on the street,
though that season closes,
with snow, cold, and sleet.
The floats of Fall Fest,
a side street will find,
to show off their glitter,
and ruffles, all kinds.
Layers of fill and paving,
soon bring us travel,
with surfaces saving,
black tar and gravel.
The traffic lights planted,
and charged into light,
a passable Keller,
going clear through, day and night.
The parade will proceed,
fall princesses and queen,
though we missed a year,
with virus between.
Although a year,
with pandemic's lack,
with spunk trumping fear,
hail Fall Festival back.
@09/03/2021 Carol Welch