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Who has the opportunity,
to show you wonders of the world,
to share with you what he can see,
the stars of night, the dawn unfurled.

The fingers grasped by your dimpled hands,
the wonder in the astounded eyes,
amazed among the countless lands,
you'd come to him with special ties.

The day--Sunday next, you say,
we'll celebrate a special man,
who grows with you to see the way,
you want to see--he can--you can.

He knows, you know, a special one,
who, though not perfect, sees and knows,
the world around you, stars and sun,
the shapes of clouds, the river flows.

Let's hope each day the power remains,
to build the bond, so blessed you've had,
to hold to it in sun and rains,
bless him and you. Thanks to each Dad.

@06/13/2021 Carol Welch
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