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About Mother

Who was it first gently touched your cheek,
who greeted you, who by attending hands,
this world where she would wrap and hug and speak.

A soft and cuddly wrapper she would seek,,
a baby's room and bed or cradle planned,
a rocking chair to calm you into sleep.

Lullaby of Old MacDonald counting sheep,
chose toys that rattled or for summer, sand,
and shared with Daddy time for finger-peek.

bathed you, and with lotion, smelling sweet,
who played pat-a-cake with your small hand,
mobiles hung to swing and ring and squeak.

And off to school on bus, go beep, beep,
holding new school supplies in little hands ,
waiting when the bus comes back to greet.

Who taught you what was danger, safety seek,
helped you numbers and words to understand,
and got your bike tires checked for a leak?

And now you get to celebrate this week,
and show her that you think she's dear and grand,
and, at her Mom's Day present let her peek,
with hugs for her and loving words to speak.

@05/03/2021 Carol Welch
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