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Solution For Disorder

Should my surroundings come into order,
through circumstance beyond my control,
even security of our border,
be restored, blessing many a soul.

It should be simple, anyone would think,
to pick up and straighten a room,
decide and move and quick as a wink,
bring brightness and neatness from gloom.

It's not in the stars or far-off domain,
the order of the world comes to terms,
so, if any of us choose to complain,
may be a change of our view peace confirms.

If volcanoes erupt, and floods over whelm,
and rescue seems far from our reach,
looking with trust to the One at the helm,
stormy surroundings, a bright,sunny beach.

A simmerin', stewin' world all around,
we'd like to see the melee settle fast;
when only disruption seems to abound,
let benevolent Power tame the blast.

@01/02/2022 Carol Welch
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