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Blustery History

To comment on the universe was my goal today,
the vastness of wide spread created space,
now our local news demands its timely way,
as history of another form takes place.

Who would have,thought on April, the fifteenth,
blizzard warnings, current, would be fulfilled?
Our highways, turned to a white labyrinth,
gatherings of family and church now stilled.

Our ears inclined, as in the winter days,
for the sound of the snowplow's welcome roar,
to think that in mid-April, we would give this praise,
for snow cleared, providing access to our door.

As we live in the making of history,
winds blowing furiously, snow piled high,
our minds diverted from world's misery,
retaliation from mass acts that horrify.

Will theater performers their venue attend,
eager, waiting audiences to thrill?
Laughter, mystery, delight providing without end,
anticipated, spectators' hopes to fulfill.

With many a tapping foot and bated breath,
the upcoming performance we eagerly await,
can the performance be postponed at length,
our possible disappointment to placate?

As predictions of broken records, news goes on,
we will accept it is as it should be.
We can possibly state on another dawn,
"We have witnessed stormy history."

@04/15/2018 Carol Welch
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